Information requirements under sec. 5 Austrian E-Commerce Act (ECG) Disclosure requirements under sec. 14 Austrian Commercial Code (UGB) Publication and disclosure requirements under sec. 25 Austrian Media Act (MedienG)
PKF Österreicher & Partner GmbH & Co KG Wirtschaftsprüfung und Steuerberatung
Objects of proprietor's business:
Audit, Tax Advice
1010 Vienna, Hegelgasse 8
Tel: +43 1 512 87 80
Fax: +43 1 512 87 80 599
Commercial Court Vienna
FB-Nr: 320092 z
Legal Form:
Limited Partnership
UID: ATU64580858
DVR: 0472735
WT-Code: 804894
Erste Bank | BLZ: 20111
Konto Nr: 310051-00333
IBAN: AT922011131005100333
Member of the Kammer der Steuerberater:innen und Wirtschaftsprüfer:innen
as Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
Our professionial activities are governed by the provisions of the Austrian Auditing, Tax Advising and Related Professions Act (WTBG)
Commercial Procuration (P), Managers (M) and Managing partners (MP):
Dr. Thomas Außerlechner (MP), Stefan Frank, MSc (MP), Dr. Stephan Maurer (M), Dr. Primus Österreicher (M), Mag. Günther Prindl (MP), Mag.(FH) Kerstin Rothmann (P), Nathalie Winkler, MSc (MP)
General Partner:
PKF Österreicher & Partner GmbH & Co KG
Wirtschaftsprüfung und Steuerberatung
Commercial Code Vienna | FN 319579 w
PKF IT Solutions GmbH
Objects of proprietor's business:
IT Services, IT Consulting
1010 Vienna, Hegelgasse 8/10
Tel: +43 1 512 87 80
Commercial Court Vienna
FB-Nr: 590802b
VAT-No. ATU78624847
PKF Österreicher & Partner GmbH & Co KG Wirtschaftsprüfung und Steuerberatung and PKF IT Solutions are members of PKF Global, the network of member firms of PKF International Limited, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the actions or inactions of any individual member or correspondent firm(s).
“PKF" and the PKF logo are registered trademarks used by PKF International Limited and member firms of the PKF Global Network. They may not be used by anyone other than a duly licensed member firm of the Network.
Purpose of Publication
General Information in relation to tax advice, business consultancy and auditing